The Final Day in a Year of Birds

I started drawing or painting a bird a day on November 13, 2020 … and so today marks the 365th bird. I didn’t start out to do this for a year, but around the 60th or 70th bird, it seemed like a good idea. I’ve turned to peacocks to mark landmarks in this journey before, so it seemed appropriate to choose a white peacock for this final day. The white peacock is rare but not an albino. Unlike in albinos, its eyes, beak and feet are pigmented. A genetic mutation called leucism causes the feathers, yellowish at birth, to turn pure white with age. In parts of India, they symbolize unconditional love, which seemed a good note on which to end this year of birds, which is perhaps more accurately deemed a year of falling in love with birds…


2 Responses to The Final Day in a Year of Birds

  1. Cathy Hood December 26, 2021 at 1:27 pm #

    Hi and thank you for sharing your work. I found it in Orion and wonder if you sell prints for framing?

    • Teresa Jordan December 27, 2021 at 12:19 pm #

      I do, Cathy, and thank you for your interest. If you’d like more details, please write me through the contact link and let me know what you are interested in. Thank you! Teresa

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