Tag Archives | Imaginary Birds

Ghost Bird

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And looser…

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Loosen Up

I’ve been enjoying my jays, but they are getting very pretty and precise. I’m feeling the need to let go and loosen up.

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PJ’s Imaginary Bird

“I just love imaginary birds, don’t you, TreeMa?”

“I do!”

“I’m going to draw one by myself.”

“Oh, that’s a great idea.”

And so the prodigy surpasses the teacher… such an old story. Sigh. And delight!

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Scribble Bird

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Night Flight of the Imaginary Bird

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Imaginary Chick

I came out of silence at midday and made this a couple of hours later … feeling newborn.

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Imaginary Bird in Blue

Yes, the weather changes in silence. This bird is maybe just a little pissed off…

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Imaginary Bird in Red

From the third day of silence.  I’ve been drawing from Audobon’s prints but decided I didn’t want to open the book. Entering silence for several days is to enter an ever-changing weather system… joy, sorrow, endless busy monkey-mind, great space. This came in a playful moment.

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